As an engineer, what does your typical workday look like?
Obviously, it depends. Normally, I work from home 3 days a week, but it depends on my workload, to do’s and meetings. Usually, my mornings are filled with meetings with colleagues in Japan. When we work on a technical improvement, we need to discuss it with them. In the afternoons, I spend more time with the team of our plants here in Europe, especially the ones in Turkey and the UK. We also have workshop activities where we do vehicle tests, software reprogramming, and more technical activities. It's nice because I can do these activities and not just sit behind a desk. Also, everyone here has a technical mentality, so you don't waste time explaining basic things. Everyone is just so hands-on and we set the bar high for ourselves.
Do high standards mean big workloads?
I must admit that my job is challenging, but for me personally, this is the best work-life I’ve had in 15 years. I eat well, sleep well and have time for other activities like French classes. My management is very good at balancing workloads. They help redistribute tasks when someone has too much on their plate. This teamwork helps a lot. Also, having a balanced life keeps my stress levels low, so I can handle extra stress without feeling overwhelmed. It’s a matter of give and take: I am flexible and get flexibility in return.